Schuman Talk (episode 34) - Ján Figeľ
June's edition of the Schuman Talks touches on the subject of "Defending religious freedom", with our special guest, dr. Ján Figeľ,...
Defending Faith from Fear
During COVID, Western nations did the unthinkable by banning religious gatherings and services. Many states deemed ‘inessential’ what all...
S mocou prichádza zodpovednosť. Čo prinesie konferencia Fórum pre Slovensko?
Zmena, ktorá nastala vytvorením vyšších územných celkov, bola výrazným krokom vpred, lebo umožnila proces decentralizácie. Súčasný systém...
On Roots of Freedom and Peace, Schumann Centre – Amsterdam, 5/2023
Ján Figeľ speaking about the roots of freedom and peace.
On Freedom of Conscience - Vilnius Academic Conference, 4/2023
Ján Figeľ, the former Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) Outside the EU, speaking on the topic of...
Súd v Štrasburgu rozhodne o Figeľovej sťažnosti, vypočuje si aj slovenskú vládu
Rozhodnutie ESĽP bude precedensom, pričom podľa Jána Figeľa síce nezmení minulosť, no bude dôležitým pre budúcnosť. Ilustračné foto:...
Complaint to European court over ban on church services amid pandemic
Photo TASR, Martin Baumann Former EU religious freedom envoy Jan Figel has filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights...
Former EU Envoy for Freedom of Religion tackles COVID-19 restrictions on public worship at ECtHR
Dr. Ján Figel’, former Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU, challenges 2021 Covid restrictions on public...
Rok vojny na Ukrajine – Relácia „Z prvej ruky“ na RTVS
Hostia: Ján Figeľ, Boris Zala Moderátor: Matej Baránek Odvysielané 23.2.2023 na RTVS
Hnutie z Novembra '89 jubiluje
Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie funguje na politickej scéne už 33 rokov. Nastúpilo v čase, keď sa začali klásť základy demokracie. V...
Rights advocate Figel’ says ‘human dignity’ at root of freedoms
Says he is 'determined,' not optimistic or pessimistic in campaign Ján Figeľ lives between two epochs: the first, in which communist...
FoRB is an Issue of Life and Death - Assassination of Former PM Abe in Japan
Presentation of Jan Figel at the UNHRC Geneva on January 31, 2023. The Global Human Rights Institution starts its Universal Periodic...