IRF Summit 2022: Religious Freedom for Everybody, Everywhere, All the Time
Former Ambassador Sam Brownback and Katrina Lantos Swett hosted the event in Washington, D.C. “We’ve got a simple model: it’s religious...

ITI Interview with Ján Figeľ
On Tuesday 10 May 2022, the ITI welcomed to campus Ján Figeľ under the guise of the Adenauer Forum for a conversation on Catholic Public...

Corporate restructuring as a necessary tool to regain competitiveness
Pride_of_Bilbao - Copyright: By UkPaolo - Photograph taken by myself, UkPaolo., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?c...

Embassies must not Partner in Undermining Democracy
War on Ukraine represents a conflict between democratic, independent and sovereign country and autocratic aggressor brutally violating...

Attack on Democracy
Democratic process in Europe must be protected and respected. It cannot be allowed to be subject to attack from any source, nor can it...

PAKISTAN: Jan Figel’s views on religious freedom
Former EU FoRB Special Envoy Jan Figel’s views on religious freedom About blasphemy laws; violence against religious minorities;...

Ján Figeľ: ‘It’s a pity there is no EU religious freedom envoy anymore’
Ján Figeľ, special envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion outside the EU from 2016 to 2019, meets Pope Francis in 2018./ Vatican...
Advancing Religious Freedom in Different Political Regimes
Why is religious freedom important? Because it is a measure, principle, and instrument of humanization and civilizational process. It...

Four new members join the EIT Governing Board
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) welcomes four new members to the EIT Governing Board today: Jan Figel, Janis...